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Hallo I am new on this forum. Nice to meet you.

5 Monate 3 Tage her - 5 Monate 3 Tage her #22283 von Marinus
It must have been somewhere in the early 90s that I fell in love with Mercedes-Benz classic cars. My buddy had a hobby of buying classic cars in Germany and selling them in the Netherlands. In 1994, a law was passed in the Netherlands that exempted cars that were at least 25 years old from paying road tax. So cars from the year 1994 had to have a first registration from the year 1969 or older to be tax-free. My buddy only traded in Mercedes because they were the best cars that were 25 years old or older and that you could still drive well in everyday traffic.

I personally found the convertibles W113 Pagode (1963-1971) or W111 (1961-1991) very nice, but there was 1 big disadvantage: the prices were much too high for me as a young man. I did have time to spare and my preference did not go out to carburetor cars. The first cars with Bosch injection were the W114 250 CE models. We knew that in Germany there were 2 conversion kits offered for W114 coupes, namely 1 from Berlin (Bel air Berlin) and 1 from Hagen (Bahr Cabrio). I liked the hood construction from Berlin better and eventually bought the steel beams and the so-called Sonnenland cloth with mechanism. Everything with no less than 2 A4 pages of manual and 2 A4 pages of photos with proof that the Dekra gave approval for this type of conversion. However, the biggest challenge was finding a good and hard body. For 2 years I drove to Germany on many Saturdays in search of a good body together with my buddy. Early in the morning in Venlo we bought an autotrader magazine and called the various addresses with a landline phone. We saw so many rotten cars! Finally, at the end of 1996, I bought a hard body (restoration project) in Wuppertal together with a separate engine, and another donor car for the chrome work in Duisburg. Everyone in my family and group of friends shook their heads when they saw everything I had bought and they said: this will never work. And how do you even get this through the inspection of the RDW (Dutch Vehicle Authority), they wondered. My brother, my father and myself were the only ones who believed in the project. Finally, after 1.5 years of working on this project every free minute by the three of us, I got my own W114 CE convertible conversion in Lelystad at the RDW on 14-07-1998 after a full day of testing. Note: in those days there was no internet, no mobile phone, no e-mail and no digital camera, only the landline phone, fax and microfilm for parts at the local Mercedes garage. Now after 26 years I have engine problems with my car for the first time and I started looking on the internet. I am pleasantly surprised about what can be found there. I am very charmed by this website and especially by the wonderfully detailed information from Mr. Dr-DJet Volker. What a job that must have been! That is why I registered and am now introducing myself. The more I read about the D-Jetronic on this site, the more enthusiastic I become.

Regarding my engine problem I am going to open a separate chat. I hope to talk to even more enthusiasts on this forum.
All the best to you.

Greetings Marc Giebels (alias Marinus)

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Letzte Änderung: 5 Monate 3 Tage her von Marinus.

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5 Monate 3 Tage her #22287 von Dr-DJet
Hi Marc,

what a fantastic story about the first Mercedes-Benz model equipped with D-Jetronic. Make sure that you do not have the 0280001002 ECU as this should have been swapped during service in workshop for free.

My local TÜV manager himself once had such a 250 CE Cabrio but I have never seen it. Now he sold it. I have soon good 250 CE Coupes.

I am pleased that you like what I wrote here and wish you success in repairing your car ! Welcome to Jetronic.org - soon we have aoru 10th anniversary. Maybe we will see you next year on one of our workshops.

Viele Schraubergrüße - best regards, Dr-DJet Volker
Alles für den Mercedes-Benz R/C 107 und W116 in der SLpedia Sternzeit 107
Workshops Heizung/Klima 10.5.(HU), D-Jetronic 18.6.(F),20.9.(ER), K-Jetronic 31.5.(ER),23.8.(F)

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Marinus

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5 Monate 2 Tage her #22299 von Marinus
Thanks for the warm and fast welcome. Good luck with the preparation of the 10 th anniverseray. We will meet someday.

I checked my ECU nr and it is a 0280001004. But i can tell you also this one in 1998 had his problems. Sometimes at once while driving, all fuell injectors where continiously open and my engine went down of course. All sparkplugs where completely wet. My good electrical friend solved the issue by spending 0.25 D mark at that time. Meaning with cold spray we checked all transistors on the ECU and found the one who was causing the issue. We bought the same new transistor and soldering it in, this solved the issue :-)

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5 Monate 2 Tage her #22300 von Dr-DJet
Hi Marc,

good that you found a solution. I recommend that you find someone who does a function block test of your ECU to be on the safe side. Once I had a case where I had an ECU functioning perfectly well but it generated some overdose of fuel. Consistently at the same level above desired values. In the end it was due to a replaced transistor which had wrong amplification. That was a mean thing to find. I knew that it was wrong but I needed a 2nd ECU to compare where exactly it happened.

0280001004 is fine. A 0280001002 should have been swapped by field service.

Viele Schraubergrüße - best regards, Dr-DJet Volker
Alles für den Mercedes-Benz R/C 107 und W116 in der SLpedia Sternzeit 107
Workshops Heizung/Klima 10.5.(HU), D-Jetronic 18.6.(F),20.9.(ER), K-Jetronic 31.5.(ER),23.8.(F)

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