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No start after wash

10 Monate 2 Tage her #21417 von Pcircle
No start after wash wurde erstellt von Pcircle
Hello there,

I'm the fortunate owner of a '72 R107 450 SL US spec.

Today I washed my car (by hand) and dried it off by hand as well. As I opened the bonnet to wipe the remaining drops I noticed a small puddle of water on top of the ignition coil. I dried it off. I then started the engine and drove it into my garage. No problem. There is no cover/cap on the ignition coil.

A few hours later I wanted to go for a ride and the car misfired and could barely idle. I reached under the glove compartment to check if the ECU felt wet/moist, but it felt dry. I then tested the primary/secondary windings of the ignition coil and it seems to be within the specs.

Have any of you experienced anything similar after having washed your car/driven in heavy rain. 

Br. Peter

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10 Monate 2 Tage her #21418 von Dr-DJet
Dr-DJet antwortete auf No start after wash
Hi Peter,

normally you have a cover over ignition coil. But I assume your problem is rather humidity inside ignition distributor. Open cap and check whether it is wet there.

Viele Schraubergrüße - best regards, Dr-DJet Volker
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