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Kontaktzündungen, kontaktgesteuerte Transistorzündungen, Induktions- und Hallgeber gesteuerte Transistorzündugen

Mercedes Benz 280CE 1974mod M110 Bosch D-Jetronic

4 Jahre 4 Monate her - 4 Jahre 4 Monate her #14870 von Drdyse

If the single androidcell would leak, it will have same pressure on inside as on outside of the leaking androidcell and it will expand, same as it will do at low load/ high vacuum/ low inductance, you agree?

+ with only one working androidcell it will have half of change in inductance from 0 Inhg to 25 Inhg vs. with 2 working androidcells.

so with one defekt androidcell, it will go too lean on every load, it will also do that the idle mixture will be too lean, you will not have posiblety to rich the idle mixture to the correct CO value and the inlet vacuum will be lower too with this very lean mixture.

You now understand the teory? or you have a better answer on what have detuned a map sensor that is not open or adjusted?

mvh. Knut Åge
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 4 Monate her von Drdyse.

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4 Jahre 4 Monate her #14871 von Drdyse
Hi nordfisch,

I will see when I open up the defect MPS if it is clogged with oil and mud, but I have not see before that it have be so much oil and mud in the MPS that it have effect on function on the MPS, but I have most experianse with type 2 MPS to Volvos and there I only have see small amont of oil and mud inside the MPS.

When I come home next time from work, I will open it and check the androidcell from the defekt/detunded 0 280 100 111 and compere to a knowing working type 3 androidcell I have, I can check det high on both in atmosferic pressure and I can put it on a emty clean jam jars and pump up vacuum on the jam jars and see how much it expand, to see if it is differance as I expecting, than it will confirm or break my theory... time will show :) and I will show the result here :)

mvh. Knut Åge

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  • Dr-DJet repariert und sammelt alles! :-)
4 Jahre 4 Monate her #14872 von Dr-DJet

Drdyse schrieb: You now understand the teory?

No and I give up.

Viele Schraubergrüße - best regards, Dr-DJet Volker
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